Oilpath Product Catalogue

84 SALES@OILPATH.COM.AU | 08 8277 4933 Oilpath isnot responsible foranyerrorsoromissions,or for the resultsobtained from theuseof the information in this price list.All information in this document is provided“as is”,with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information. RETURN TO INDEX LINE BODIES, CETOP VALVES, MANIFOLDS & VALVE PACKAGES CONTACT US TODAY TO FIND OUT MORE We manufacture and supply a range of Cetop Bar Manifolds, valves and subplates. Oilpath manufactures and stocks a large variety of industry common cavity aluminium line bodies. In addition, we stock or manufacture a variety of Durabar bodies. Oilpath manufactures a range of valve packages utilising HydraForce cartridge valves. These include: Quick Hitch Pressure compensated Flow Control Quick Hitch & Tilt Relief and Cross Line reliefs Hi-Lo Pump Control ...and a range of counterbalance valves.